I have always been undecided when it comes to whether or not our children can send us signs from heaven. I have often come across stories from other people in the bereavement community regarding their experiences but I had never personally experienced one....that was until last week.
I was having a bit of a rough week-I had been thinking a lot about Elijah and my heart was feeling heavy. I was walking my kids to Strong Start one morning and was passing by a long stretch of grass. I happened to look down and see a "little people" angel figurine. You wouldn't know this but ever since Joe was born I've been having trouble with my vision, especially seeing with my contact lens, so the fact that I even saw it laying on the ground is amazing in itself.
You'll probably say it's just some kid throwing a toy out of his stroller and chances are you're probably right. However this time around I choose to believe that this is a sign from my son. It's even more suiting that the angel is giving me a big hug.
I showed this picture on facebook and someone told me that this is the angel Gabriel from the Little People Nativity scene and if you pray to Gabriel he will bring you messages from your child which was a neat connection.
Anyways I picked it up and took it home with me. Once again if you knew me, you'd know that is very unlike me, I'm usually throwing away stuff not bringing stuff into my house. I washed it and I put it with Elijah's things. If a kid did lose it, I hope they won't miss it too much. Sign or not, someone must of known that I needed it-the little angel toy found its way to a hurting heart and helped brighten it up a little.
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